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Exportise - April 2011 - New Country - Mexico & New Website
Mexico (Finally) Joins ATA Carnet System
Following many false starts and determined efforts by the International Chamber
of Commerce, the World ATA Carnet Council and U.S.C.I.B.'s Senior Vice President Carnet Operations Cynthia Duncan, Mexico will accept carnets as of May 16th, 2011 . Mexico is the third and final North American country to join the system and only the second Latin American country to join, following Chile.
As one of the United States's major trading partners, Mexico represents a significant addition to the carnet system. Boomerang carnets® expects carnet volume to increase measurably due to the inclusion of Mexico although it is impossible to predict the magnitude of that increase. Mexico is a party to all three carnet conventions: Commercial Samples, Professional Equipment and Exhibitions and Fairs.
As with all new entrants to the carnet system, there may be confusion when presenting a carnet in Mexico shortly after implementation. In addition, we have been advised that Mexico will require the carnet to be registered with Mexican customs prior to presentation. We are awaiting advice regarding the procedures for this registration. It is always advisable to consult with a Carnet Specialist prior to departure to a new carnet country to ensure that the customs process will go smoothly
Boomerang Carnets® Issues the First U.S. Carnet to United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.) for Perceptics
Boomerang carnets® had the honor of issuing the first carnet travelling to the U.A.E. immediately after that country began accepting them on April 1st. Boomerang carnets® client, Perceptics of Knoxville, TN, is sending a License Plate Reader to Abu Dhabi* via Dubai for a special exhibition. Customs officials in the U.A.E. and the U.S. may recognize Perceptics' LPR equipment since it is used internationally to read license plates and link to databases to run background checks at national borders. U.A.E began accepting carnets on April 1st, 2011 and accept carnets for Exhibitions and Fairs. Underwriting requirements may differ for carnets travelling to U.A.E. so consult with a Carnet Specialist should you anticipate taking a carnet into the U.A.E.
*Abu Dhabi will accept carnets later this year.
Bosnia and Herzegovina Ready to Accept Carnets
Bosnia and Herzegovina will accept carnets as of April 18th, 2011 for Commercial Samples, Professional Equipment and Fairs and Exhibitions. Bosnia and Herzevogina
is the 7th country on the Balkan Peninsula to join the ATA Carnet system. Other Balkan carnet members are: Greece, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Croatia. Of all the countries
on the Balkan Peninsula, only Greece, Bulgaria and Croatia (eff. July 1, 2013) are European Union (EU) members so caution should be used when entering and exiting Balkan countries to and from an EU country with a carnet. Make sure that the carnet is properly validated when traveling between non-EU Balkan countries and EU countries to prevent future claims. However, if goods are properly imported into one EU carnet country and re-exported from a second EU carnet country, the Carnet holder is unlikely to encounter any claims fees.
Trade Show Exhibitors Association Uncovers Hidden Overseas Exhibiting Costs, Features ATA Carnets
The Trade Show Exhibitors Association (TSEA) is ramping up education efforts on the topic of exhibiting overseas and clearing customs. The association, whose members are exhibit and event professionals, recently published an article titled "Import Duties and for International Trade Shows: How to Avoid These Hidden Costs" written by CIB executive, Leslie August.